How many indexes supports per search collection in opensearch serverless?


We are a customer of AWS opsensearch, and now we are going to use opensearch serverless, and migrate exist data from opensearch to opensearch serverless. One question is what is the max indexes supported in one collection ? According this article , the max number is 20 indexes in one search collection, but in another article, the limitation is 800 indexes in one search collection. Which is the exact value ? Thanks!

asked a year ago1858 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

I would like to let you know that OpenSearch serverless now support 1000 indices per collection. Kindly request you to try creating indices as per your requirements and let me know if you face any issues.

I would also like to mention that I have already raised request internally with the relevant documentation team to update the OpenSearch documents to display the updated limits.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
  • eg, if I have total 4 OCUs, 2 query OCU and 2 index OCU, if i have 2 collections, then the total indexes can be created is up to 2000. Am i right? @AkashD


eg, if I have total 4 OCUs, 2 query OCU and 2 index OCU, if i have 2 collections, then the total indexes can be created is up to 2000. Am i right? @AkashD

answered a year ago

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