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Amazon connect wisdom (Amazon Q)


Can I create multiple domains for Amazon Q in one Amazon connect instance?

1 Answer

No, you cannot create multiple domains for Amazon Q in one Amazon Connect instance. When you enable Amazon Q in Connect, you create an Amazon Q in Connect domain, which is an assistant that consists of one knowledge base. Each Amazon Connect instance can only be associated with one domain at a time.

However, it's important to note that you can create multiple domains in general, but they don't share external application integrations or customer data between each other. You can associate each domain with one or more Amazon Connect instances, but an individual Amazon Connect instance can only be linked to one domain at any given time.

If you need to change the domain associated with your Amazon Connect instance, you have the flexibility to do so. You can associate your Amazon Connect instance with a different domain at any time by choosing a different domain. This allows you to switch between domains if needed, but you cannot have multiple domains simultaneously active for a single Amazon Connect instance.
Enable Amazon Q in Connect for your instance - Amazon Connect

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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