is S3 serverless?


I asked Amazon Q this question & it says negative. Enter image description here

By definition of serverless, it looks to be serverless. Also, no where in the aws documentation , i could find that s3 is described as serverless.

Can some one @AWS throw some light , why AWS documentation or Amazon Q is not calling S3 as serverless. By the same token, SNS is considered serverless by Amazon Q & AWS documentation

asked 7 months ago280 views
3 Answers

S3 is serverless data service in the sense that end users do not manage the underlying infrastructure. Document Stating:

Q is still in preview.

profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
  • I would like to clarify my question is not whether S3 is serverless or not.

    My question i why Amazon AWS in its documentation OR its amazon q service which has been trained with 17 years of knowledgebase does not state categorically that S3 is serverless

    Just to point out, though the title of whitepaper you sent has heading as serverless, if you open the page and read , it does not say s3 as serverless. Instead keyspace and EFS as mentioned as serverless.

  • even though Q is in preview, it has been successful and it may not be able to give very accurate info about very latest announcement, Otherwise , it gives correct response most of time is what i believe. In this case, we are talking about S3 , which is very old service

  • "I would like to clarify my question is not whether S3 is serverless or not."

    • "is S3 serverless?"
    • "By definition of serverless, it looks to be serverless. Also, no where in the aws documentation , i could find that s3 is described as serverless."
    • "Can some one @AWS throw some light , why AWS documentation or Amazon Q is not calling S3 as serverless."

    I have addressed these already.



The following document listed S3 as a serverless service.

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answered 7 months ago
  • Thanks for the comment.


    1. why is Amazon Q saying S3 is not serverless. Amazon Q has been trained on 17 years of AWS documentation

    2. if you click on S3 in the link you shared, there is no "serverless" word in the page!

  • why is Amazon Q saying S3 is not serverless. Amazon Q has been trained on 17 years of AWS documentation

    Amazon Q is still a service that is not accurate enough to respond to complex questions, so I think it will be improved in future updates.

    if you click on S3 in the link you shared, there is no "serverless" word in the page!

    S3 itself is a storage service. However, I think it is classified as a serverless service because there is no need to configure the OS or network settings.



See Wikipedia for a definition of serverless:

Serverless computing is a cloud computing execution model in which the cloud provider allocates 
machine resources on demand, taking care of the servers on behalf of their customers. "Serverless" 
is a misnomer in the sense that servers are still used by cloud service providers to execute code for 
developers. However, developers of serverless applications are not concerned with capacity planning, 
configuration, management, maintenance, fault tolerance, or scaling of containers, VMs, or physical 

You will never find S3 mentioned as serverless as it is not a compute service but a storage service. "serverless" is reserved for compute-oriented services.

But, from my (humble) perspective, it is serverless: when using it, you do not manage the servers storing your data, responding to your read/write requests. Nor don't you manage the scaling, the resiliency, etc of the underlying machines. It's all done for you by S3. So, in that sense, it can be perceived as some form of serverless offering.



profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago

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