How to upgrade a convertible RI instance?


I purchased a convertible RI r6a.32xlarge. What do I need to purchase or do to upgrade it to r6a.48xlarge? According to the documentation, I need to pay a normalization factor of 128 to equal the NF for the r6a.48xlarge (384). Do I just purchase the r6a.48xlarge instance and upgrade like that? Or r6a.16xlarge and then merge it with my instance? Documentation is uclear.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Here are the steps I would follow in order to meet your requirements to exchange your r6a.32xlarge to a r6a.48xlarge instance:

  1. Log into your AWS Account and navigate to the EC2 Console
  2. Under the Instances section on the left, choose Reserved Instances
  3. There you should have a list of reserved instance to choose from. Select the r6a.32xlarge of interest
  4. Open Actions and choose Exchange Reserved Instances. Since r6a.48xlarge is of a higher value than an r6a.32xlarge instance, you should be able to exchange it there

Here is some more documentation on the subject if you are interested in learning more:

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • Do I have to stop my current r6a.32xlarge instance remove any mounts etc before I upgrade?

  • If you have already upgraded your instance itself, exchanging the convertible RI will not impact your instance as it is simply a pricing plan.

    However, if you are talking about upgrading the EC2 instance itself, you will want to follow the instructions presented in this documentation:

    The nature of your EC2 instance (EBS Compatible, EBS Non compatible, or Instance store) will determine the best steps for upgrading the size.

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