How does one monitor whether a certain EC2 instance was not launched from a golden AMI or has deviated from a patch configuration of a golden AMI


Customers use golden AMI's such that developers use these golden AMI's for any compute needs. From a security perspective, the golden AMI's are patched up. However how does a customer monitor for any compute instances that are not launched from a certain golden AMI Or whether an certain Ec2 instance has deviated from a patched up AMI

asked 5 years ago521 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Your customer can use AWS Config to monitor whether or not AMIs are launched from a pre-approved list of golden AMI images:

Then, your customer can use SSM State Manager to detect drift from the golden AMI:

Also, they can use a more "out of the box" solution with the new Golden AMI Pipeline:

answered 5 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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