Where are system level logs in aws linux


I'm running aws linux 2, when looking for /var/log/syslog no file found. Where can I find syslog file?

asked a year ago4000 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

the following reference can work for you


In Amazon Linux 2, which is a close relative of RHEL 7 / CentOS 7, system logs are managed by the syslog-ng service. To set it up, you need to install the syslog-ng package from the EPEL repository.

  • Enable the EPEL repository: amazon-linux-extras install epel
  • Install syslog-ng: yum install syslog-ng
  • Enable syslog-ng: systemctl enable syslog-ng
  • Start syslog-ng: systemctl start syslog-ng

To avoid confusion and duplicated log messages, you might also want to remove or at least stop and disable the rsyslog service: yum erase rsyslog After you've installed and started syslog-ng, you can check if it's working correctly by sending a test log message and checking if it appears in the /var/log/messages file. You can send a test message with the logger command: logger this is a test​.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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