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Application & OS Images (AMI's) are not visible during EC2 Creation


Application & OS Images (AMI's) are not visible during EC2 Creation. Because of which i'm unable to creation EC2 instance. Any help would be appreciated...

Enter image description here

asked a year ago352 views
1 Answer


Does your IAM user have permissions (DescribeImages, DescribeImageAttribute) to view AMIs?
If the permissions are set and it is not displayed, there may be a problem with the cache of your browser, so please try clearing the cache or opening it in a different browser.

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answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • Hi Riku_Kobayashi,

    Thanks for your response. I am using from the root user where in earlier I was able to see the AMI's. Recently from last 2-3 days I was unable to see any. I tried checking the access, but couldn't see anywhere "DescribeImages" permission. I tried adding InBound permissions with "DescribeImages" permission for the role. But no luck on seeing the AMI's.

    Apart from IAMReadOnlyAccess, I added a new InBound Permission Policy as below. But no luck on seeing the AMI's. { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:DescribeImages", "ec2:" ], "Resource": "" } ] }

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