Cost Intelligent Dashboards Quicksight Problem


I wanted to map the account ids to the account name. So, I edited the summary dataset with a new account map from the organization data table account map instead of the CUR table. Enter image description here

Then I refreshed my dataset and headed to the dashboard. Now I get the below error: Enter image description here

Please advise, will it be fixed after waiting a couple of hours? Or do I need to somehow manually force the changes or rebuild the dataset/analysis/dashboard?

Thank you in advance.

asked a year ago568 views
2 Answers

Best way to add account names from organization_data is by using this guide-

Go over Option3 steps.

After you change account_map according to option 3:

  • On Athena- Run "select * from account_map" and validate that you can see data
  • On QuickSight -> DataSets -> summary_view -> Click on Edit DataSet and [1] validate its load correctly [2] click on Publish & Save button
  • On QuickSight -> DataSets -> summary_view -> refresh dataset
  • On QuickSight -> DataSets -> CUDOS Dashboard -> validate that you can see dashboard data
answered a year ago

Most likely you have overlapping column names in organization_data and account_map datasets. Which columns you have organization_data dataset? If it's account_id, account_name mapping you can change account_map view to use organization_data and remove organization_data dataset in the summary_view join. As suggested above this document describes how to set up mapping In your case it's option 3 and as you can see it only requires change in account_map view, no changes required to QuickSight datasets

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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