Unable to remove old RDS APEX user after upgrade to Oracle V.19


According to our tests in staging environment, normally AWS removes the old APEX user during upgrade, but in our PROD environment the APEX user was not automatically removed and we are unable to remove it manually.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Jan S
asked 3 years ago374 views
1 Answer

It usually happens when APEX schema is imported into the database from an external source i.e. when APEX was not actually installed in the RDS database.

I believe, RDS Oracle master user will not allow you to drop those schemas manually.

I would suggest you to reach out to AWS Support and they can fix it for you.

answered 3 years ago
  • Thank you very much for the reply.

    Apex was previously installed and in use. We tested the exact same process in staging and did not face this issue. Unfortunately, currently we do not subscribe to AWS Technical Support and we understand this being a bug within the upgrade process of RDS Oracle.

    Is there any way we can ask for AWS Support team attention?

    Thank you very much.

  • In that case, I would say, reach out to the AWS customer service and see if they can get someone involved.

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