Email from Amazon SES to Company email hosted Office 365 - Not delivered



   We are using Lambda function and SES to send email with Voice mail transcription and signed URL for Audio in email.

   It works fine with Gmail accounts. But it is not getting delivered to company email domain in Office 365.

  We verified those email accounts as SES.

 We tested in SES and it get delivered.

  I will appreciate your feedback on this.

Thanks, Selva

1 Answer

The below article provides common reasons why emails that you send from Amazon SES fail to be delivered. As a first step, I suggest to find out whether the issue is on the SES side or emails are being filtered at the receiving mail server side. To do this, you can follow the instructions under the section called There's an issue with the email recipient's server in the below article.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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