I don't get the Authorizations invitation from an Aws Config Aggregators


I create an Aggregators in the Config service, then I create an Authorizations to my other account. For some reason the invitation did not arrive to my other account, previously if it did, I eliminated the acceptance and then the invitation from Authorizations did not arrive again. I already deleted it and recreated it several times but the invitation still does not arrive.

asked a year ago291 views
1 Answer

Hello, I don't do the aggregator invitation by mail, I do it by account id. I am not using Organization, I make the invitation by individual account. I just added an account3 and the invitation to this new account has arrived, but account2 still hasn't received the invitation. The only difference between the rest of the users is that in account2 I eliminated the authorization twice and from there I no longer received authorization invitations to approve the authorization.

answered a year ago

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