Setting up a separate workspace for each user so they can have their own instance of MS 365 to work in


I have a Python application using MYSQL that I want to develop into a SAAS app. The application uses MS excel for some of its inputs and outputs. Each user is allocated a separate MYSQL DB based on their userid which is their unique email. Since I utilize excel, I need to give each user their own workspace. I set up a workspace to test, but I can't see to figure out how to get the credentials to access the workspace. I've read the documentation and tried several time but can't get it to work.

asked 6 months ago179 views
2 Answers

The answer depends on the type of directory being used. For AWS Microsoft Managed AD connected Amazon WorkSpaces, an email on how to setup the ID and password is sent in an email. Users may need to check junk mail to see the details. The following documentation outlines how to manage users in an AWS Managed AD .

answered 6 months ago

You may be able to implement a POC quickly if you use 'Simple AD' option for WorkSpaces directory. The following article has more details on sending the email invite to users with credentials.

answered 6 months ago

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