Sagemaker Studio Notebook vs JupyterLab Instance


Hi all, I am wondering what the difference between Sagemaker Studio Notebook is vs a JupyterLab notebook? It seems that using Sagemaker Classic Notebook is much easier and has more functionalities? Thanks!

asked a month ago85 views
2 Answers


SageMaker Studio notebooks are Jupyter notebooks fully managed by SageMaker.
Since it is a managed service, it is easier to prepare Jupyter notebooks than preparing them yourself.

What are Amazon SageMaker Studio notebooks?
You can use fully managed Jupyter notebooks in SageMaker for the complete ML development. Scale compute instances up and down with the board selection of compute-optimized and GPU-accelerated instances in the cloud.

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answered a month ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a month ago

While SageMaker Notebook Instances are also a managed service, and have a smaller footprint (e.g. no EFS, specific VPC dependency, etc) so may be simpler for individuals to initially set up, SageMaker Studio brings a range of extra capabilities that bigger teams and more advanced users may find more useful as they scale.

Some examples:

  • Centralized management of multiple user profiles (which need not have direct AWS Console access), and their environments (e.g. lifecycle script customizations, kernels, etc)
  • Explicit multi-user real-time collaboration via shared spaces (multiple users logging in to a plain SageMaker Notebook Instance concurrently can sometimes cause unexpected consequences, because the user abstraction is not explicit)
  • Access to a range of features not available through the AWS Console for SageMaker or the Notebook Instance JupyterLab UI, like:

While some users prefer the setup simplicity of SageMaker Notebook Instances, others find the extra features of SageMaker Studio can help drive productivity - it depends on a range of factors like the size of your team, the features you're interested in using, and the amount of MLOps automation and orchestration you're looking for.

answered 15 days ago

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