Instance not bursting.


Hi, I have noticed that I can't access the Lightsail server when it is in the burst zone. It doesn't matter if I have a lot of burst capacity remaining. I tried this by creating a new server, etc., and encountered the same issue. Here's how to replicate the problem:

  1. Create a Lightsail server (in my case, it's a plan with 2vCPUs and 30% sustainable capacity).
  2. Wait for the remaining burst capacity to reach 100% (~432m).
  3. Run any script that will consume burst CPU (I was running it at 50% instead of the sustainable 30%; my guess is 1vCPU was maxed out in my case).
  4. After a few minutes (maybe give it 30-40 minutes to be sure), you will not be able to SSH (even the "connect via SSH" button on the AWS interface won't work). This should not happen, as from my understanding of how burst capacities work, I should be able to burst for much longer than that.
  5. The main problem here is that because I can't SSH, I can't stop the script either. My main use-case for these bursts is to be able to run scripts for updates/upgrades temporarily. But this weird behavior all but makes Lightsail entirely useless as a server.


asked 4 months ago134 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

We seem to have fixed the problem; we have added a budget within AWS, and now the burst is used as described in the documentation.

answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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