Cloud intelligence dashboard data is not matching with the cost data in billing dashboard


Hi Team, We have been deploying the CID for our customers.

We have deployed the single account setup as well as the multi account (Payer account and the child account) setup as well.

There are some queries we have about the data displayed in CID

  1. How often is the data refreshed on CID?
  2. Customer sees different numbers in billing dashboard and the CID. Why is that?
  3. If we deploy the cost dashboard today, the oldest data they can see is from today right? And are there any blockers that will prevent the dashboard from updating the usage data for next month?
asked a year ago434 views
1 Answer

Hi There

  1. Dashboards are updated every 24 hours.
  2. There are a few reasons why this could happen. Refer to Cost values or other numbers in the Cloud Intelligence Dashboards don’t match what I see in my invoices or in Cost Explorer - what do I do?
  3. You can backfill your dashboard data with the last 12 months of CUR data by creating a Support Case in Service=Billing and category=Invoices and Reporting, requesting a backfill of your CUR (name=cid) with 12 months of data.
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thanks for your swift response.

    In the CID , the billing summary tab shows all the cost which includes Network, backups, other services too right?

    Reason I am asking is, we do have a compute summary, storage summary and then RI/SP summary, but if customer wants to drill down to costs of other components like CDN, Bandwidth, RDS etc, where do we check it?

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