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Hello, Rekha.
If you have launched an EC2 instance in the default Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and you are unable to access it via the public IP address, there are several potential reasons for this issue. Here are some troubleshooting steps to help you identify and resolve the problem:
Security Group Configuration: Check the security group associated with your EC2 instance. Ensure that it allows incoming traffic on the necessary ports. Typically, for a web server, you would need to allow inbound traffic on port 80 (HTTP) and/or port 443 (HTTPS) if you're running a web application over HTTPS. Make sure the security group allows traffic from your IP address or has a rule allowing incoming traffic from if you want to make it publicly accessible.
Route Table: Confirm that the route table associated with your subnet has a route to the internet via an Internet Gateway (IGW) if you want your EC2 instance to be accessible from the internet. The route destination should be, and the target should be the IGW.
Instance Status: Ensure that your EC2 instance is in a running state. If it's stopped, you won't be able to access it.
Container exposed to public Please double-check do you expose the container port to the public.
Best regards, Andrii
Are the necessary communications allowed by the inbound rules of the security group set in EC2?
Is the container configured with a listen port to allow external access?
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I have done all the necessary settings as you mentioned, but no luck. kindly help.
How to set route table configurations?
Destination Target igw-06ae44ae19756b81b local (it is private IP)
pls check the above routes and tell me where am doing mistake