Amplify preview framework is wrong



By default, the PR preview branch is set with "framework": "Next.js - SSR". I want it to be "framework": "Next.js - SSG".

Is there any environment variable that fixes this?


  • Ajit
asked a year ago288 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi Ajit,

Kindly note that preview will be generated on the basis of App framework. If the App framework is set to Next.js SSR and you would like preview to be Next.js SSG, then it's not possible. The configuration of app branches and PR branches needs to be the same.

However, if the requirement is to set both app branches and PR to be Next.js SSG, then please ensure that the Amplify app framework is set correctly for Next.js SSG and the build settings is correctly specified. The framework is detected based on the package.json file as mentioned here.

In case the Amplify app is a Next.js SSR app, you may refer to the steps described here to convert the SSR app to SSG. Once the app framework is set correctly, try making a PR again.

Having said that, in case you face further challenges, please feel free to open a support case with AWS using the following link for resource specific guidance.

answered a year ago
  • Ah, ok. That makes sense. Thanks for your answer, Mukul.

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