Polly- Mp3 Quality


Hi, I'm just starting to test Polly out. So I typed some sample text and selected a voice, Matthew, and it sounded fine; just what I'm looking for. However, once I downloaded the mp3 file of the text being read (both neural and standard voice) the quality was not good. Both versions had massive amounts of static during the whole clip and only came out of one side of my headphones. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for your help.

asked 2 years ago920 views
2 Answers

From the Optimize Your Streaming Audio documentation of Amazon Polly, the sample rate impact the bandwidth and audio quality for your experience.

The Amazon Polly has default sample rate of 16000. If you have specific sample rate or quality requirement, the detail of StartSpeechSynthesisTask API to create an asynchronous synthesis task can be found here.

If the audio file sample rate meets your requirement, then you may check your audio system on the device as the second step.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Thank you both for your suggestions, they put me on the right path to solving this. I think the problem was that I have an audio interface (which, in effect replaces the computer's sound card) hooked up so I can use my DAW. The sample rate for the interface is 44100 Hz which doesn't match up with Polly's sample rate of 16000 Hz. So when I play the mp3 through Windows Media Player or Groove Music there is a lot of static and it plays out of only one side of the headphones. However, when I play the mp3 within an application that uses my audio interface, the sample sounds perfectly fine and plays out of both headphones. Since I just need the samples to work within my applications, i.e. Video Editor and DAW, I'm good to go. Thanks again for your help.

Accepted Answer

This is a strange one, I recommend trying the MP3 file on another device to see if you have the same problem. If not maybe check the app or codec you're using to play the MP3?

answered 2 years ago

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