Cost reduction in Amazon WorkSpaces: Bundle change to reduce user volume from 50GB to 10GB and possible double billing.


Hello AWS community,

We currently have 100 Amazon WorkSpaces desktops in AlwaysOn mode using the STANDARD bundle with a root volume of 80GB and a user volume of 50GB.

We have identified a cost saving opportunity by reducing the user volume from 50GB to 10GB, which would save $2 per WorkSpace per month. (WE DO NOT STORE ANY DATA IN THE USER VOLUME).

The cost details for month are as follows (STANDARD ALWAYS_ON): Bundle Standard-reduce user volume

The problem we face is that Amazon WorkSpaces does not allow us to reduce user volume or migrate to a bundle with a lower user volume directly. Therefore, the only option is to delete the current WorkSpace and create a new one with the same user but a new bundle (with the desired user volume-10GB)

Our main concern is the possibility of double charging during the changeover process. By deleting a WorkSpace with the $35 package and creating a new one with the $33 package, and the additional costs for the month's use of the new WorkSpace.

We want to know:

  • How does AWS handle billing in this specific case, is the monthly cost prorated if a WorkSpace is deleted before the end of the month?

  • Are there any recommended procedures to minimise or avoid double billing during this transition?

  • Are there any additional alternatives or recommendations to achieve this cost savings without incurring additional unexpected costs?

Appreciate any guidance or experience you can share.

Thanks in advance for your help.

1 Answer

Hello! You are correct about reducing the size of a user volume. While you can increase the size, the reduction protection is in place to ensure the WorkSpace user's data is preserved. Neither AWS nor the WorkSpaces service can see what is stored on the volume or whether or not it is even being used.

When you using AlwaysOn, you pay a fixed monthly fee for unlimited usage of your WorkSpaces (as opposed to the hourly rate). If you use the exact same bundle type (in terms of hardware, BYOL vs. License Included, License Included Software) and the exact same directory and user (must be the same Active Directory SID) but change the volume sizes to 80GB for root and 10GB for users, that should be considered 1 WorkSpace for billing purposes. If you are able, verify a small number of WorkSpaces before doing this across your entire environment.

WorkSpaces Personal is a persistent desktop service. Though it sounds like users are storing their data elsewhere, before deleting the WorkSpaces, make sure you've backed up users' data and have a method to restore any custom applications and/or configurations.

You also may want to consider Cost Optimizer for Amazon WorkSpaces, an AWS Solution to analyze all of your Amazon WorkSpaces usage data and, optionally, automatically convert your WorkSpaces to the most cost-effective billing option depending on your individual usage.

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answered 3 months ago

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