Access internal web application from on-premises IP or local machine


We have a web application hosted behind Internal ALB. Resources in the same VPC can access the application through ALB DNS. I want to access this web application from our On-Premises office network. Is there a way to connect our network to AWS VPC and access internal ALB over DNS or access private EC2 instances using PRIVATE IP of the resources

1 Answer

AWS VPC allows the use of Site to Site VPN and DirectConnect for connections between locations.
This allows you to access AWS internal ALBs, etc. from your office network.

Another option would be Client VPN, but this requires the local machine to be configured with an SSL certificate or SAML authentication.
Perhaps the VPN you are looking for is a VPN between locations, so the above Site to Site VPN is a good choice.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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