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There are a few possible reasons why you may have incurred charges even though you were within the free tier usage limits for SageMaker notebook instances:
The free tier for ml.m5.4xlarge and ml.m5.xlarge applies only to the EC2 costs for the notebook instance itself. Any other services like S3 storage, EBS volumes, data transfer etc are charged separately.
The free tier limits are on a per-region basis. If you used notebook instances in multiple regions, the free tier applies separately to each region.
Any additional configuration like extra EBS storage, GPUs etc on the notebooks could incur charges above the base EC2 free tier usage.
I would recommend checking your AWS Cost Explorer to get a breakdown of where the charges are coming from. Identify which specific resources were charged and why. Also double check the notebook instance configurations. This should help reveal what went over the free tier limits.
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