How to access database of PrestaShop installed on lightsail instance?


I wish to access the database tables of my PrestaShop running on lightsail instance. How do I access the tables using an SQL client on my desktop? What are the default values of user and pwd to access it?

  • Please note that I am using Heidisql ad client. I believe that I should select values as below but need help for default user and pwd.

    Network type - myself or mariadb Library - library.mariadb.dll Host name- myip "please correct if wrong" User - "please help" Pwd - "please help" Port -3306

asked 16 days ago21 views
1 Answer
  • Thank you Giovanni for the response. Appreciate it!! I have already installed prestashop following the steps from the link. There is no issue with it. I have read the documentation too , however what I could not get information on, was how to access the database tables of the prestashop instance I.e. phpmyadmin.

    I have Filezilla access to the php files but what I want access to the database tables too.

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