Cloud intelligence dashboard not deploying from cloud formation lack of SPICE issue


I keep running into an issue in the CID Lab and was looking for some support during step 3.2 where the cloud formation keeps failing.

The main issue I keep receiving is AWS QuickSight SPICE limit exceeded. I have increased the SPICE to 300 gbs and still it hasn’t worked. I wanted to know if maybe there was some issue with the script or something I might be missing on my side to get this Lab to work. Below I have posted the Status reason for not being able to deploy

Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: AWS QuickSight SPICE limit exceeded. Add SPICE here . See more:;stream=2023/06/22/[$LATEST]0df2417693e04c58b49d47da275894c7 (RequestId: 435ed3aa-f403-48ff-9f08-c17722b4207f)

asked a year ago438 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

It sounds like your dataset is exceeding your allocated SPICE capacity. Goto Quicksight, in the upper right corner goto the profile button, and click "Manage Quicksight", then on the left menu click "SPICE Capacity" and increase your SPICE Capacity.

If this helped please remember to mark this answer as accepted. Thanks and good luck.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • While this wasn't the answer it did help me find out that the quicksight instance was in a another region than the resources that were spun up. Thank you.

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