SQS List - Messages available Sort is not working


SQS List - Messages available Sort is not working

When sorting high to low , the actual SQS with the highest value is not at the top. Instead it seems to be a very random list .

Anyone else see this problem? Am I missing something?


asked 2 years ago368 views
1 Answer

Are you talking about the AWS console? When you list all the queues and sort by the "Messages available" column? That should sort correctly, it does for me. It's possible you're seeing a timing issue though as messages go between available and in flight.

answered 2 years ago
  • It's also possible you are not using a FIFO queue?

  • Definitely not timing. I have over 2,000 queues. Can only page 100 at a time but some have 2,000 or more messages available but when sorting H-L I am presented with queues of just 60 available

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