CloudShell - error when running "aws ssm start-session --target cfxtxc6pmq18"


Hi re:Post, I'm trying to CloudShell connect to one of our RDS servers: using this command:
aws ssm start-session --target cfxtxc6pmq18

I've been reading "". But am receiving error (screenshot), "Error when retrieving credentials from container-role: Error retrieving metadata: Received non 200 response 500 from container metadata." And it displays some HTML coding...

Please advise. Thank you for your help! Best Regards, DonaldEnter image description here

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asked 8 months ago431 views
1 Answer
  • Thank you for your quick reply and help Sivaraman! I am not looking to port forward to a remote host and my question is incorrect as ultimately I'm trying run "df -h" on the linux host. I will research this some more. Thanks again! Best Regards, Donald

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