Why I am getting "We are experiencing unexpected errors. Please try again later" error while enabling AWS Wisdom in AWS Connect?


I am trying to enable Amazon Wisdom on my AWS Connect Instance. Whenever I try to add integration, it throws an error that is "We are experiencing unexpected errors. Please try again later." I have all the required permission. Please tell me where I am doing wrong.

asked 2 years ago610 views
1 Answer


Thank you for reaching out to us.

There are two ways you can enable Wisdom for your instance:

  • Use the new Amazon Connect console. This topic provides instructions.
  • Use the Amazon Connect Wisdom API. You can ingest content using the Amazon Connect Wisdom APIs. To learn more, see this blog post: Ingesting content to power real-time recommendations and search with Amazon Connect Wisdom.

The APIs support the ingestion of HTML and text; plain text files must be in UTF-8. For more information, see the Amazon Connect Wisdom API Reference [1].

Following is an overview of the steps to enable Wisdom:

  1. Create a Wisdom Assistant (domain). An Assistant is made up of one knowledge base.

  2. Create an encryption key to encrypt the excerpt that is provided in the recommendations to the agent.

  3. Create a knowledge base using external data:

    1. Add data integrations from Salesforce and ServiceNow using prebuilt connectors in the Amazon Connect console.
    1. Encrypt the content importing from these applications using a KMS key.
    1. Specify the sync frequency

.Please refer to this link [2] for more information on enabling Wisdom on Amazon Connect.

Regarding the error which you are encountering, could you please try below

  1. Can you try in different browser
  2. Please share har file [3] while encountering the issue to troubleshoot the issue further.

Hope this helps.


[1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/wisdom/latest/APIReference/Welcome.html

[2] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/adminguide/enable-wisdom.html

[3] https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/support-case-browser-har-file/

answered 2 years ago

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