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Aws backup : How to forced a full backup


Hello all, I'm currently working on aws backup service , I know aws backup is doing a full backup the first time but the next backup are incremental. I would like to force full backup. How to do it? Best regards

asked 2 years ago729 views
2 Answers

Once a full backup is obtained, subsequent backups are incremental.
So if we were to do it, we would delete the full backup each time and then get a backup, which would be a full backup.

As described in the following document, even if a full backup is lost, the data can be fully restored from the incremental backups taken afterward, so there is no point in taking a full backup every time.

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answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago

Depending on the type of service, you can enforce a full backup. If it is EFS, S3, VMWareVM's or DynamoDB with advance feature enabled then you can create a full backup by creating an on-demand backup to a vault where a previous backup for the same resource doesn't exist. Basically, you have to pick a different vault.

For EC2, RDS, EBS, etc, the backups are region wise incremental. That means all the backups for these resources are incremental in the same region.

answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago

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