Can we run OpenSearch dashboard using AppStream 2.0?


Hi all

I installed Amazon OpenSearch in the Audit account VPC private subnets. I know some options to run OpenSearch dashboard such as the use of Nginx proxy. Another option I'm wondering is to use AppStream 2.0. Is it possible to run OpenSearch dashboard using AppStream 2.0?


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asked 2 months ago68 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

You can configure AppStream to be in the same VPC subnet as OpenSearch. After which, you need to create custom image and application (e.g. Firefox browser) to access your OpenSearch dashboard URL.

You may want to explore Amazon WorkSpaces Secure Browser, which provides hosted browser service to access your OpenSearch dashboard. Refer to documentation for more details

answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 15 days ago

While AppStream 2.0 is a versatile application streaming service, it's not specifically designed to run OpenSearch dashboard. AppStream 2.0 is primarily used for streaming desktop applications to users' devices through a web browser or client application. It's typically used for Windows or Linux desktop applications, not web-based dashboards like OpenSearch.

OpenSearch dashboard is a web-based interface, and it's generally accessed directly through a web browser. Using AppStream 2.0 for this purpose would be an unconventional approach and likely overcomplicate your setup.

For accessing OpenSearch dashboard in a private VPC, the methods you mentioned, such as using an Nginx proxy, are more appropriate and commonly used solutions. These methods allow you to securely expose the dashboard while keeping your OpenSearch cluster in private subnets.

If you're looking for a way to provide secure access to the OpenSearch dashboard from outside your VPC, consider options like setting up a VPN, using AWS Client VPN, or implementing a reverse proxy with proper authentication mechanisms. These approaches would be more suitable for your use case than using AppStream 2.0.
What Is Amazon AppStream 2.0? - Amazon AppStream 2.0
Amazon AppStream 2.0 | Software Vendors

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answered 2 months ago

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