Phantom Alarm in CloudWatch



We have been getting an email alarm alert on "FreeStorageSpace" but, when I login to the CloudWatch console I cant see any alarms? (I am on the right region, according to the link in the alert email) Are they only visible to the creator? I cant see any reference to the alarm that is triggering and sending the emails out. Can anyone help? Id like to be able to find out why it is triggering and perhaps update it etc.

Thanks Ian

2 Answers
Accepted Answer


CloudWatch alarms should be visible to any IAM user with viewing permissions.
Is it possible to get the CloudWatch alarm using the AWS CLI with the command below?
For "your-region-code", enter the code of the region where your CloudWatch alarm is located.

aws cloudwatch describe-alarms --region "your-region-code"

Try running the AWS CLI from CloudShell.

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answered 3 months ago
  • By the way, even if you open "All alarms" from the console, no alarms are displayed? a

  • I think I did it - posted as an answer by accident. Also, yes, I don't see any alarms at all even in the all alarms section. One must exist as we are getting emails from it haha

  • As far as I can see from the AWS CLI results, there are no problems with command execution, so I don't think it's a permission issue. Therefore, it is possible that the alarm exists in a different region or is set in a different AWS account.



I think I did it right (im very new to AWS):

Enter image description here

This looks like there are no Alarms.... which is what I see in the GUI for the CloudWatch.... I wonder if I have the right view permissions.

answered 3 months ago

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