Android Studio VT-x


Hi community, Trying to run an emulated device in Android Studio but am getting a 'VT-x is not supported' message. Any idea how to fix this? My instance EC2 is running Xeon Platinum 8175M Thank you!

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asked a year ago257 views
1 Answer

The instance type you've selected appears not to have that feature (VT-x) support.

Have a look at this release:

Starting today, Amazon EC2 M5n, M5dn, R5n, and R5dn bare metal instances that can utilize up to 100 Gbps of network bandwidth, and Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) for HPC/ML workloads are generally available. Amazon EC2 bare metal instances provide your applications with direct access to the Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor and memory resources of the underlying server. These instances are ideal for workloads that require access to the hardware feature set (such as Intel® VT-x), or for applications that need to run in non-virtualized environments for licensing or support requirements.

answered a year ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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