Best option for migrate a website to AWS


I am considering migrating a website from another provider to AWS and would like to know what options I would have on AWS. Currently I have the site developed in Wordpress (it''s small, 20 pages and 200 Mb approx) and 2 domains registered in my name. From what I've been researching, the option that would work best for me is LightSail, creating an instance with Wordpress, importing the website, and then transferring the domain. It's right? Is this the best option or do you recommend another? Kind Regards

asked a year ago581 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

If you want something simple, then yes LightSail.

Lightsail manages a lot of the AWS Side for you and therefore you will not get the full flexibility of hosting it in AWS natively.

It also depends on how much you want to manage. Lightsail seems to work out slightly cheaper also.

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answered a year ago

Thank you Gary, I'm just testing Lightsail. Kins regards

answered a year ago

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