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Unable to create file system - unicode characters?



My attempts to create an FSx file system have been failing repeatedly. The connection to our on-prem AD environment is working and the service account is able to create and manage the computer objects in the specified OU. The error it gives me per the troubleshooting document ( is:

"File system creation failed. Amazon FSx is unable to create a file system within the specified Microsoft Active Directory. To fix this problem, please delete your file system and create a new one meeting the pre-requisites described in the Amazon FSx user guide."

Which the document above indicates is caused by a unicode character being used at some point in the process. However I have verified none of the input/setting fields contain unicode characters.

asked 10 months ago313 views
1 Answer

In addition to the values you specify during file system creation, you should also check the optional (unused) string parameters of FileSystemAdministratorsGroup and OrganizationalUnitDistinguishedName and ensure these don't have any unicode characters.

You can also use the AD Validation Tool to identify common configuration errors in your Active Directory (AD) setup.

answered 10 months ago

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