How to discover all accounts associated with my email address


When logging into my AWS account as root user I keep getting a prompt to change my email address as it seems that email address is associated with multiple accounts. I don't have multiple accounts as far as I know. I have an account and an AWS account. Both have different emails. Also how I am supposed to have a root user and an admin user if I can only have one email address per account?

asked 6 months ago282 views
1 Answer

Hi, check if your email provider supports using '+' in the Email address. Email providers like Gmail allow you to use the alias and it will still forward that to your inbox while AWS will consider it a unique Email address.

For example, the addresses: and will be treated as unique addresses in AWS, but with the use of plus addressing, your mail system would deliver messages for both of these addresses to the same email account or distribution list. Source:

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 6 months ago
  • For the duplicate address, you'll have to open a ticket via the console with Support: they may be able to inform you about the other account

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