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How to deploy stack sets to specific accounts?


Can stack sets be deployed to specific accounts rather than OUs or the entire org?

Can a stack set deployment be moved from a generic OU to a more specific account?

My use case is around AWS CDK bootstrap stacks. I want to deploy them to every account. But then, some accounts need customizations, e.g. around account trusts (deployment pipeline accounts).

So the idea is that every account in the org gets the stack set, but then sometimes, we need to add customizations.

How to achieve that?


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asked a month ago51 views
1 Answer


Stacksets can be deployed to specific AWS accounts.
You can deploy by specifying your AWS account ID as described in the document below.

As a preliminary preparation, you need to create an IAM role in the target AWS account and the AWS account that will run StackSets.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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