Unable to Create RDS Parameter Group


In the Console, Create Parameter Group, I am creating an new Parameter group Using Engine Type: Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition for Custom RDS, and Parameter Group Family: custom-sqlserver-se-15.0, when I hit Create, I get the following Error message:

"We're sorry, your request to create DB parameter group rds-sql-clr-integration has failed. You can't create or assign a custom parameter group for engine custom-sqlserver-se."

I see the same error also for Parameter Group Family: custom-sqlserver-se-16.0, and also for SQL Server EE and SQL Server Web edition.

I am attempting to enable CLR Integration with the custom parameter group. Perhaps there is a different way?

1 Answer


"Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition for Custom RDS" is for an RDS custom instance.
Since RDS custom instances cannot use anything other than the default parameter group, they probably cannot be created.
The limitations are listed in the following documents.

Specify your own DB parameter group, option group, or character set.

Therefore, you need to select "Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition" as the database engine.

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answered 5 months ago
  • Thank you for your comment. I did select Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition, and selected Custom RDS. I will further review the docs in the link you sent.

    From the docs: "Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server, a managed database service for legacy, custom, and packaged applications that require access to the underlying OS and DB environment"

    If I need to use the default parameter group, how can I customize the server instance?

    Thank you for sharing your expertise

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