s3 terminal connection faild


hi there .

created an aws s3 bucket for public website , put it inside folder ,

fixed my aws ~/credentials for that session , try to connect with terminal , the error always showing that the s3 bucket url us-east-1 .aws.com is not work , [[Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/"]]

when i type ( aws s3 ls ) also show the same error

what can i do , how to access folder inside my bucket from terminal as well

thanks supporters , i wish you a great day in advance .

asked 15 days ago522 views
2 Answers


Could you please share the specific error message?
If access is denied, the IAM user who issued the access key may not have enough IAM policies to access S3.

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answered 15 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 15 days ago
  • Hello Mr Riku thanks for reply ,when i tried command [aws iam list-user] its showing th current session User

    but once i type [aws s3 ls ] its showing that error [Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/"] i checked the credential files , made sure about everything but it always showing that error .

    thanks for your concern~

  • Will it be successful if I change the region set in the authentication information to a different region? For example, the settings are as follows.

    region = us-east-1
Accepted Answer

oh i see i made it again , and also made sure about spaces and it worked , thanks alot .

answered 12 days ago

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