Regarding TLS termination on Network Load Balancers is fully integrated with AWS PrivateLink



Below is query posted by my Customer. Can someone provide more details regarding this query?

"TLS termination on Network Load Balancers is fully integrated with AWS PrivateLink"
Can you get more information on what this means and how to use it for privatelink? PrivateLink docs haven't been updated, and it still seems like we have the challenge of not knowing the privatelink endpoint dns name at the time we need to deploy a certificate not to mention, not being able to create ACM certs for addresses anyway.


asked 6 years ago854 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

You can use PrivateLink with your own domain name, by creating an alias record set as documented here:

This way you can validate the ACM certificate attached to your NLB.

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 years ago
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reviewed a month ago

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