My website is not loading - "Your connection is not private"


I was helped by Amazon support about this same issue about 2 months ago but now it's not working again. If I could get some help here that would be great.

  • Probably a problem with it's certificate. We can help if you share more details about how your website is hosted.

asked a year ago439 views
1 Answer

Looking through your history of previous questions I can't see one from two months ago, which support channel did you go through to resolve that one? if it was a support call with AWS then you should still be able to view it at

@Arthur Lopez is correct that this is likely due to an expired certificate on your website.

What follows is a lot of assumptions:

The question is tagged with AWS Certificate Manager but their certificates tend to be issued with 12 moths expiry, so I don't see why the problem would crop up again after two months.

Are you sure that you are using AWS Certificate Manager?

Would your website be hosted on Amazon Lightsail, and the certificate would have been issued by LetsEncrypt? These certs have a 90 days expiry and the procedure for renewing a LetsEncypt cert on Lightsail is documented here

If your website isn't hosted on Lightsail then could you provide more information about it please.

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answered a year ago

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