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Inbound Roules Hello, I have setup my AWS VPN Tunnel connection which is IPSec over BGP. Both tunnels are up but cannot ping. I thought it was the security of network acl which I have enable All ICMP but still cannot ping my premise server and my premise server cannot ping me, but the all icmp is enabled

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

I'd check two things:

  1. You don't mention what operating system you're using but regardless of whether it is Windows or Linux, make sure that the host firewall is not blocking your traffic.
  2. It's quite common for the customer VPN endpoint to be a firewall; if this is the case make sure that NAT is disabled for the VPN connection. In many firewall appliances the default is that it is enabled and that can make troubleshooting very difficult as NAT rules aren't established and traffic source/destination addresses are changed.
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago


If I configure a network ACL to allow all traffic, does communication fail?
Also, would it be possible for you to share the current settings for inbound and outbound?
Also check that the security group's inbound rules allow ICMP.
Additionally, check if the on-premises route is registered via BGP in the subnet route table.

profile picture
answered a year ago
  • Yes,my inbound rules allow ICMP and outbound allows all traffice

  • If I allow all traffic, both inbound and outbound, in a network ACL, does communication fail?

  • Also, can you confirm that the subnet route tables and customer gateway route tables are registered with each other's communication routes in BGP?

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