Continuous Delivery using terraform to an EC2 instance


Is it a good idea to have continuous deployment with terraform infra code to AWS EC2? Is there a good way to achieve it as I am planning to add to by project? My assumptions are to use Github actions or CircleCI

asked 2 years ago490 views
1 Answer

I don't see an issue using Terraform to deploy resources as part of continuous delivery. In fact, Terraform deploys CloudFormation stack(s) so essentially, it's no different from using CloudFormation to deploy resources.

Is there a good way to achieve it as I am planning to add to by project? Which tool are you planning to use for CI/CD? For AWS, you can use CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline to create a CI/CD pipeline. See below references.

Also, there are many AWS blog posts that talk about integration with third-party services for CI/CD pipeline deployment. I suggest taking a look at AWS DevOps Blog posts.

answered 2 years ago

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