AWS Certified Developer Associate


Dear AWS.

This is Ryan Tchouanang. I am a 13-year-old boy who is currently studying for this exam. I'm sending you this email today because I have a question about this course/exam. Please respond as neutrally as possible. I'm struggling with this course and it has been about 3 years since I've been studying and as I started taking the practice tests I realized that my knowledge of this course is not as simple as I thought it would be. I also then realized that I'd been neglecting some of the labs and videos with is why I can't schedule the exam yet. My parents have given me 5-6 weeks before they schedule the exam and I'd like to restart from scratch. What is the best studying schedule weekly to gain as much knowledge as possible to at least barely pass this exam

asked 2 years ago389 views
1 Answer

Please let me know

answered 2 years ago

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