Data transfer charges across account


Hello, Are there any charges for data transfer across 2 different AWS accounts in same region us-east-1 and in same Availability Zone?

So data from account A in region us-east-1, AZ use1-az1 to Account B in region us-east-1, AZ use1-az1 and both accounts have VPC peering.

2 Answers
Accepted Answer


AWS data transfer costs are what AWS charges to transfer data either:

  1. Between AWS and the internet
  2. Within AWS between services, such as EC2 or S3

Data transfers are free if you remain within a region and the same availability zone, and you use a private IP address. Data transfers within the same region but crossing availability zones have associated costs.

This link will give you more details on current data transfer cost across various channels -

answered a year ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Thanks, am I correct to understand that data transfer over a VPC peering connection that stays within an Availability Zone is free. But this is not specifically mentioned for different accounts. So, would it be safe to assume that data transfer across different accounts but within the same availability zone and region would still incur charges? Since AWS treats each account as a separate entity.

  • Hello, In addition to my posted answer, please find some more information on VPC Peering data transfer costs. All data transfer over a VPC Peering connection that stays within an Availability Zone (AZ) is free. Charges apply for data transfer over a VPC Peering connections that cross Availability Zones and Regions. This is true for same or different accounts. Hope this helps.



As mentioned in this other question, there is no data transfer charge between peered VPCs as long as the traffic remains in the same availability zone.

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answered a year ago

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