If we get Kendra Enterprise version, can we get S3 service free to upload or sync docs of size greater than 50 MB for AWS Kendra?



If we get Kendra Enterprise version, can we get S3 service free to upload or sync docs of size greater than 50 MB for AWS Kendra because I am unable to upload document more than 50 MB size in AWS Kendra using aem connector

asked 21 days ago61 views
1 Answer


You can check this page for features of developer and enterprise edition: https://aws.amazon.com/kendra/pricing/

Original documents can be up to 50MB in size and contain up 5MB of raw text per document. Total extracted text storage for enterprise edition is up to 30GB. Total extracted text storage for developer edition is up to 3GB.

The limitation of 50MB per document is for both editions.

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answered 21 days ago
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reviewed 21 days ago

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