Lightsail change plan, downgrade from $7 to $5 plan due to SSD


I have a WordPress website using a $5 plan, but when I create a snapshot, once I create a new instance it does not allow me to select the $5 plan, it is grayed, i searched, it says because of the SSD , but when i do a df in the terminal, i am using 20% from the SSD, so one alternative is to make a backup and restore from external SSD, but i don't know how to do it, I am following this guide, but they don't specify how to download that backup file and upload it to the SSD

could anybody help me, please

4 Answers


I think the steps in the blog below will be helpful.
After compressing the application code etc., access Lightsail using WinSCP etc. and download the compressed file.
Then move the data by uploading the compressed file to the newly created Lightsail instance and unpacking it.

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answered 25 days ago

Ohh Wow, I will try, but it seems to be right, I will try later thanks

answered 25 days ago

something is not ok, because i do all but when I try to see the size of the 2 files, they are too low, 4kb each one, I thing something is not ok

answered 25 days ago

Hi there,

If you need to move files from your existing instance to a new smaller instance, this document here may help:

answered 15 days ago

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