Service quota at 100% utilization despite no instances


Hello, I am currently looking to run some p2.xlarge instances in my account. I completed the service quota request to increase my account limit, however after a spot instance was terminated I have been unable to launch more p2.xlarge instances. I have canceled all spot requests and verified that I do not have instances running in other regions with the global view, and the quota utilization is at 0% in the service quotas menu under All P4, P3 and P2 Spot Instance Requests, with a applied quota value of 4. Not sure what else I should be checking or what could be preventing me from launching more p2.xlarge instances. The error message I get when I try to launch another instance in the same region as the quota limit increase is "Instance launch failed: You have requested more vCPU capacity than your current vCPU limit of 0 allows for the instance bucket that the specified instance type belongs to".

asked 9 months ago262 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

For those who run into the same issue, I realized that the service quota limits for P* spot requests and P* on demand are separate. I was trying to call a P2 on demand instance when I had only increased my quota for P2 spot requests.

answered 9 months ago

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