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Error in creating AWS instance when I select subnet and vpc in different zones


I am unable to create an Instancce in Mumbai region , with VPC in Mumbai zone and Subnet in Kolkotta (ap-south-1-ccu-1a) and throws error "Instance launch failed The requested configuration is currently not supported. Please check the documentation for supported configurations."

asked 2 years ago345 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

The instance type you are trying to launch may not be available in "ap-south-1-ccu-1a".
You can search by way of the following documents.

Since the location you are trying to activate seems to be in the local zone, it would be a good idea to check the following documentation.

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

Thank you for the links . I was trying to create a wrong instance (t3.micro). ap-south-1-del/ccu-1a .. does not suppourt t3.micro

answered 2 years ago

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