Please help us moving out of the sandbox - redirected from support centre


Dear Support,

We're having issue with the sandbox access.

To move out of sandbox, we followed the message on top of the console to Request a Sending Limit Increase, case id 5772894811.

The request was approved:
Thank you for submitting your request for a sending quota increase . Your new sending quota is 50,000 messages per day. Your maximum send rate is now 14 messages per second. We have also moved your account out of the Amazon SES sandbox.

The quota and send rate have been increased as described, however the account is still in the sandbox as showing in AWS console, and we cannot send emails to unverified addresses (from a verified domain) neither via the api nor aws console.

So we reopened the case again with screenshots and email sending error message, twice, and the last reply was
Unfortunately, I am not able to provide Amazon SES support through this channel. We encourage you to participate in the Amazon SES forum: .

Can anyone here help us please?


asked 6 years ago510 views
1 Answer

It turned out that the best way is to reopen the ticket again and again until someone can solve the issue.

answered 6 years ago

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