how to find out what are the privilege on a bucket/object in a s3 bucket?


I am trying to copy a file from an existing bucket, to another bucket. I tried the copy and sync command , but it fails . I am assuming, that the bucket owner doesn't have full access to this file/object. where/how can i find the access/permission info for this object via cli. also , when we copy files from one bucket to another , say via aws s3 cp or sync command , how do i give full access to the owner of the destination bucket?

1 Answer


I am assuming, this is concerning S3 Bucket policies. You could get the bucket policy via the CLI, as described in this URL:

You can also apply a modified policy back to the S3 bucket by using the put bucket policy via the CLI, as described in this URL:

Please be mindful of the permissions needed to perform these CLI actions as already described in the above URLs.


profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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