SNS email subscription getting deleted immediately


I have create an SNS topic so I can get notifications for billing alerts, cloudwatch alarms and other events. I have added my personal GMail email as a subscription, I get an email to confirm the subscription and I follow the link to confirm the subscription. After a few seconds if I refresh the subscription the ID is now Deleted and soon after I get an unsubscribed email notification to my inbox. I'm not changing anything after I confirm, so why is this subscription being automtically deleted?

asked 2 months ago234 views
2 Answers


Is the "Unsubscribe" event recorded in the CloudTrail event history?
If the event is recorded, I think you can identify who unsubscribe it.
If you are unsubscribing by clicking on the URL, it will not be recorded in CloudTrail, but if you are unsubscribing from the management console or AWS API, I think the event will be recorded in CloudTrail.
So, if the event is recorded in CloudTrail, you can check whether there is something configured in AWS that automatically cancels the subscription.
Also, did you accidentally click on the unsubscribe URL?

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Hi Riku, I'm not unsubscribing. There's no cloudtrail event. I can repeat this problem over and over, delete the subscription and add again, every time the subscription gets automatically deleted without me doing anything.

    Is my personal email, so it's not someone else unsubscribing.


It appears GMail was automatically unsubscribing me. I followed this post to manually confirm the subscription in the console and the subscription has not been deleted:

answered 2 months ago

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