Textract AI : Migration of model to different account/environments



I am experimenting with Textract and have been training the model using the Web front end on my Dev Account and have created an "Adapter" etc

  1. How and What is needed for the model to be migrated to the upper environments?
  2. Since this not not a Python jupyter notebook etc how is the model extracted from the web?
  3. Business users will be needed to train the Model on an ongoing basis. How do companies do this? Give Business access to AWS account (Non Prod)?
  4. AFAIK every time the model is retrained/new adapter version is created we have to update the Lambda calling the adapter with version# + questions. Is there a work around for this?

Thanks Arvind

asked a month ago166 views
1 Answer

Hi Arvind,

Please accept this response if it answered your question.

answered a month ago
  • Keith, Thanks for responding.

    Re #3, what is the recommended approach for Business users? Give them access to AWS account/Textract service in lower env?

    Re #4, we need to provide the "Queries" to the lambda code QueriesConfig also while calling the start_document_analysis(). Guess we can store that also in SSM. Seems a kludgy way of doing it ;-)


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